
Next to her, your Indian-printed cotton wrap skirt, your flip-flop sandals and brass-bell necklace don’t look chic and ethnic anymore.

The lack of support of the flip-flop also causes pain in the tendons on the inside of the foot and lower leg. It can also lead to shin splints.

Both men and women can consider wearing tailored khakis, a nice polo shirt or Button-down, and a pair of sensible shoes - but no flip-flops!

I was wearing a long dress with peach and lavender flowers and a lace collar, and I noticed immediately that most of the students had on faded T-shirts and loose khaki shorts and flip-flops.


Once the busy month of December hits, my excuses for not running flip-flop between no time and no energy.

Julia ran down the stairs to the front door, slipped into her flip-flops and ran outside, though she knew the flip-flops would blister her feet after biking.

Many resent his apparent flip-flopping on important issues, like gun-control and whether or not to talk to Iran and Syria, as well as less important ones, like whether to wear a flag pin.

A checkmark menu item is vastly preferable to a flip-flop menu item that alternates between two states, always showing the one currently not chosen.

Instead of the trademark Taliban uniforms of turbans, eyeliner and flip-flops, these men wore Russian and Nato poncho raincoats over their shalwars, and boots and trainers.

He only acted after being caught in a flip-flop over the hiring of Manatt, Phelps and Phillips, an American law firm, in the case.

Thomson adds that the Chinese market can flip-flop between euphoria and despair in a heartbeat.

Denim, T-shirts and flip-flops -- all '90s phenoms -- are only acceptable in the most casual of work environments.

"The boss of the yoga studio is very kind to us," says Fen Ye, my guide. Slipping off my shoes at the doorway, I pad up stairs lined with Buddhas in the red plastic flip-flops provided.