
All lights were out when he sailed into the little harbor and beached his skiff.

In the 1870s, the skepticism stopped as several carcasses were beached in Labrador and Newfoundland.

Should you ever have the privilege of visiting, be sure to take a trip to the Skeleton Coast, a graveyard for ships and the skeletal remains of beached whales.

The fact that Mr Malick's Leviathan is a beached plesiosaur will draw fire from anti-Darwinians. Though "The Tree of Life" is a Christian film, it is not for filmgoers with narrow views.

The fact that Mr Malick’s Leviathan is a beached plesiosaur will draw fire from anti-Darwinians.

They sit this winter like beached green whales on the frozen plains outside Wichita, Kans., two years overdue, $385 million over budget and gathering controversy like tumbleweed.

The boat beached on a mud flat.

Though the shark swam away it was unable to navigate its way out of the harbour and soon beached.


The girl already beached in London.

Crews in Australia are struggling to save a number of whales that beached themselves. Only a handful of the 45 are still alive and crews are pouring water over them as they wait for high tide.

A fishing boat, beached by low tide, leans against seaweed-covered rocks in Ireland's Sruwaddacon Bay.

Australian wildlife rescuers were using jetskis and small boats today to try to save nearly 200 pilot whales and a small pod of dolphins beached on an island between the mainland and Tasmania.