
Models careeredbetween fake gothic arches wearing corsets, PVC leggings, blacktailoring with pinched, exaggerated shoulders and raccoon fur sleeves.

One day included you voicing a raccoon, a prairie dog, a squirrel, a vulture, a Turkey, a hawk, a bear, a tin superhero, two giant monsters and two surfer dudes.


A raccoon is this big a horse is about four times bigger so the length of the femur of a horse must be about four times the length of the raccoon.

A family of ducks came swimming by, and a raccoon appeared on the landing across the river and looked at me curiously before washing its breakfast and eating it.

Amid the multitudes in sleek evening garb, the molting birds had the look of disheveled bounders or tipplers in moth-eaten raccoon coats.

If you want to catch a raccoon, show him a shiny object to distract him.

And so I went to Harvard where they have a beautiful collection of femurs and I asked them for the femur of a raccoon and a horse.