
By bog, road, rath, hillside, sea-border they gather in all shapes: headless women, men in armour, shadow hares, fire-tongued hounds, whistling seals, and so on.

At the foot of this tree a fire was Burning, over which three hares were roasting a huntsman on a spit, and behind him, on another fire, hung a steaming pot, whence emerged the head of a dog.

an outdoor game; the hares start off on a long run scattering bits of paper (the scent) and the hounds try to catch them before they reach a designated spot.


But when there are no hares, the foxes starve.

Above them rose the primeval yews and oaks of the Chase, in which were poised gentle roosting birds in their last nap; and about them stole the hopping rabbits and hares.

The hares and rabbits lope away.