
We were unequivocal in response to the third question.

The Palestinian response was swift and unequivocal, dismissing Mr Netanyahu's suggestion out of hand.

Policies based on the assumption that the answers to such questions are an unequivocal "yes" are dubious at best.

New Coke was considered an unequivocal slam dunk in taste tests against Classic Coke but was subsequently a failure of epic proportions when it went to market.

When you are diagnosed with a serious illness, you are hit hard with unequivocal evidence of your physical fallibility; you can plainly see the dragon at the bottom of the well snapping its jaws.


Our position has been consistent and unequivocal.

In recent interviews, executives at Fox and Disney were unequivocal in their support for Blu-ray.

The report's authors said the study highlighted the need for firms to send an unequivocal message to managers that bullying behaviour will not be tolerated.

The NYSE board's unequivocal rejection this week of an alternate ties up with the Nasdaq and the InterContinental Exchange has put a virtual "SOLD" sign on the exchange floor in downtown New York.

More than at any time, employees need-in fact, desperately want-unequivocal direction.

Hotter temperatures, an increase in heavy downpours, and rising sea levels are among the effects of "unequivocal" warming, concludes the report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program.

In my opinion the answer is an unequivocal "yes".

China's principle has been consistent and unequivocal in developing its relations with other countries. We develop our relations and cooperation with other countries based on the one China principle.

All this seems unequivocal good news for the tourism industry, Britain's fifth-largest (Deloitte, an accounting firm, reckons it contributed 8.2% to GDP in 2007, directly and indirectly).

The taboo-breaking response was unequivocal.

A: China's position on the Chinese Uighur terrorist suspects in the Guantanamo prison is consistent and unequivocal.