
Light pollution impacts astronomical research and can even affect human health.

One astronomical unit is the distance between the Earth and the sun.

MacRobert said the full moon falling on the autumnal equinox is simply one of many astronomical coincidences that happen to be occurring this month.

While odds are you'll never be an astronaut or be able to pay the astronomical costs of private space flight, you'll at least be able to send your name rocketing into the ether.


So you have this astronomical number of system states.

Not long ago, it was anything but dull, expanding at an astronomical rate through one big deal after another.

While there are scientists who think RNA could have arisen spontaneously on early Earth, others say the odds of such a thing happening are astronomical.

Deacon only referred to it as a massive astronomical object, causing serious gravitational and other effects.

Even so, the end date of the current Long Count cycle—winter solstice 2012—may be evidence of Maya astronomical skill, said Aveni, the archaeoastronomer.

Even if this whole scheme was proven possible, the costs would be astronomical - pun fully intended.

An ancient astronomical instrument

Numerous astronomical surveys will probe space-stretching dark energy, although figuring out what it is could take much longer than another decade.

It's the first attempt to sort astronomical data on this scale, says Princeton astrophysicist Robert Lupton, who oversaw data processing for the SDSS and is helping design the LSST.