
His novels were in vogue ten years ago.

The boom over, calamity is in vogue once more and to many the end seems nigh.

She wore a two-piece summer suit of gaudy color that I had noticed was in vogue.

His theories spawned a vogue for "child-centred learning", accelerating in the 1960s into a challenge to school hierarchies and a carelessness about exams.

In the UGG hand bag of vogue, the big part in row world has already predominate the position UGG hand bag this is an occurrence pack boundary in the UGG of brand.

Short skirts are no longer in vogue in Britain.

Now glitzy novels are out of vogue, people are writing more about real issues.

Exchange mergers may be in vogue again-on top of all the drama in New York, Sydney is looking to fuse with Singapore, and London with Toronto.


Hoop skirts were once the vogue.

In many parts of the country, squirrel has never gone out of vogue in the local cuisine.

Short hair came back into vogue.

Researchers attribute this trend to both fashion - fitted kitchens are no longer in vogue - and the amount of cumbersomely boxed chilled meals we consume.

Such targeted taxes seem to be in vogue at the moment.

This is, of course, disputable. There is a kind of a vogue recurrently in the history of fiction for a kind of miraculous sense that this is just exactly the way things are.

Society should rejoice that greenery is in vogue.