
They help us reconnect with our history.

Social media allows them to have time to reconnect.

Damaged olfactory nerve cells can regenerate, but don't always reconnect properly in the brain.

What he needed was not rest, but a way to reconnect with voters who felt alienated from him.

The solution, he and others say, is to build systems which enable an operator to reconnect with a lost drone by transmitting data via a "bridge" aircraft nearby.

On the right, Dominique de Villepin, a published poet with several volumes on Napoleon to his name, has just brought out “Our Old Country”, a rousing appeal to reconnect France “to its destiny”.


How do our twins reconnect?

This "self" time helps you to reconnect with yourself.

Yet the Kogi hope we can still reconnect, by seeing the value they place on thinking and their spiritual world.

However, once a federated node has been migrated to V6, the V5 version of the node may NEVER reconnect to the V6 deployment manager of the new cell.

Restart it, and reconnect.

Additionally, you can use this trim to disconnect and reconnect to a collaboration service provider.

In the event of a failure, client applications can recover the subscribed data once they reconnect to the server.

Can you turn around and reconnect?

They might have been pining for you all of these years, waiting for the day you reconnect.

They need to reconnect with the world.

If nothing else, it's a great way to reconnect with people that can act as potential references or talk you up to others in their industry that might be looking for help.

Users can disconnect and reconnect, picking up where they left off with their applications.

A short time later, the two sundered routers would reconnect and send out their own BGP updates, upon which attack traffic would start flowing in again, causing them to disconnect once more.