
We needed the break in order to recharge.

Sleep isn't just a chunk of time carved out to recharge for the following day.

To prevent memory effect, whenever you wish to recharge your NiCad, you must first fully discharge it.

Take time for yourself — This habit for highly successful women is my favorite: take time to recharge your batteries and refuel your emotional, spiritual, and physical energy.

The beauty of the OLEV isn't just that it's electric, But that, because it charges while it's operating, it rarely needs long periods to recharge or huge batteries to store large quantities of power.

A robot that can open doors and find electrical outlets to recharge itself.

These should be backed up with millions of solar lanterns, which shine by night and recharge by day.

Owners with garages or driveways can top up at night using the domestic supply. The long recharge time will thus not be an issue, and the electricity will be cheap, off-peak power.


Be sure to recharge the batteries before use.

Building a charging grid across the country is the perfect way to encourage people to buy electric cars as now they have accessible recharge options at their disposal.

This is a way for me to recharge and relax.

You can't recharge your batteries if you're always using them. This might mean eliminating some activities or finding ways to outsource household chores, like cleaning and yard-work.

This feature would be environmentally friendly, and could avoid cumbersome plugs and a constant need to recharge.

The car will take six hours to recharge from a home outlet - outsourcing pollution from your tailpipe to your local power plant, where it may be easier to control.

ENGINEERS have long dreamed of shortening the time it takes to recharge batteries.