
They only poll half of the votes.

The poll in Figure 1 is a parody of poll question and answer design.

The final result of the poll will be known tomorrow.

Undeterred, respondents to a Rasmussen poll in 2007 came down hard on their current leader.

Eisman was one of 100 centenarians questioned in a poll about the secrets of longevity.

In response to poll questions, most Americans say they expect the recession to last for two years or so.

Consideration: is there a mechanism for the integration solution to poll the application looking for new events?

Asked in a poll last year whether France should fully rejoin, 38% said yes, 34% said no and 28% said they were not sure.

Iraqi MPs have been wrangling for weeks about the law, and observers, including the US, have been worried that failure to agree on the guidelines may delay the poll.

Almost half of all pregnant women say they will refuse to be vaccinated against swine flu once the jab is available, suggesting there is widespread concern about its safety, a poll has revealed.


They expected a heavy poll.

Today's news from Haiti makes for another interesting poll.

Another concerns the feudal nature of many constituencies, and the habit of their hereditary rulers of switching horses from poll to poll.

One national poll (from the Pew Research Center) is particularly instructive.

When an event happens on the server, the response is sent and closed, and the poll immediately begins anew.

A Zogby poll found in May that a narrow majority of Americans agreed it would be sensible to legalise marijuana so that it can be taxed and regulated.

Mr Sarkozy is betting that high-minded Paris opinion is out of tune with the average French voter; one poll this week found that 48% of the French support the Roma expulsion.

We can poll using a questionnaire.

The poll, he said, highlights a number of worrying trends.

Now he is Canada's least popular premier, with an approval rating in a recent poll of 14%.

Commenting alongside Bayer's poll, Evie Bentley, a psychotherapist with a special interest in biorhythms, said: 'Each biorhythm cycle is regulated by the brain.

This time, thanks to disillusionment with the Socialists, his party has a double-digit poll lead and looks set to win an absolute majority, a feat that eluded Mr Zapatero.

They organized a poll to elect a president.

Nelson Mandela had received tens of thousands of votes more than anyone else in the initial poll.

Gallup's latest poll released on February 9 showed that a mere 27 percent of Americans approve of Obama on the deficit (down from 32 percent in November), with 68 percent disapproving.

LIFE sought these opinions in an exclusive poll by Yankelovich Partners.

Incumbent President Gbagbo insists that he won the poll and retains control of state institutions, including the ports from which cocoa exporters operate.

You are going to put your poll questions and results in a database, specifically DB2.

They poll a sample group of voter.

Oshima made Boy in 1969, at the height of his critical acclaim (it ranked third in that year's critics' poll in the Japanese film magazine Kinema Junpo).

The poll about birth order.