
What rhythmic device is the trumpet inserting?

So what did the trumpet insert, what rhythmic device?

The movement of the body releases a poem and then confirms its rhythmic identity.

We're also very musical human beings — our heart rate, our gait, our circulation, our breathing is all very rhythmic.

Although their door was closed, the twins rhythmic breathing sounded like a storm rushing through the trees, for I had not yet trained myself not to listen.

Okay. I had intended to give you just a little bit of a rhythmic quiz but let's just do one of these things.

And with very rhythmic music, we can energize people who are otherwise very lethargic or depressed, and we can relax people who are hyperactive or who are highly stressed.

The rhythmic music can be hypnotic.

Rock'n'roll, a blues derivative, was rhythmic dance music.

A short rhythmic phrase, especially one that is repeated in improvisation.

The mere rhythmic drone of a photocopier or the rumble from a hairdryer is enough to set her off.

The most likely suggests that the normal rhythmic muscular action, or peristalsis, that moves a developing egg down the oviduct malfunctions in some way.

?Methods?: The system was based on alorithm to abstract the distributional character of amplitude and the rhythmic frequency analysis of brain wave,then a non linear geometrical classificational method (K neighbouring method) was used to carry out quantitative distinction of EEG.

Alina is Russia's most successful rhythmic gymnast to date, and is also one of the most decorated gymnasts in the history of rhythmic gymnastics.

There came a tapping noise ahead, regular and rhythmic, like the noise of a sentry, in metal boots, pacing.

The scientists theorize that the rhythmic movement, which produces a sensation similar to that of a vibrating cell phone but on a larger scale, exercises cells so they work better.

Yet it's rhythmic and melodic at the same time.

The rhythmic click calls of the females are so attractive to males that they move rhythmically back and forth whenever they hear these calls during mating.


To perform this rhythmic ballroom dance.

When I hit play the next morning, I was surprised to hear a rhythmic, rumbling noise that was enough to disturb my wife's sleep.

The harmonious singing and rhythmic beats of the drums can be hypnotic to an open mind.

The towers, not only ground the buildings with their visual weight, but they also contribute to the rigor of rhythmic play needed in such expansive internal Spaces and environment.

In the bosom of such as these the spirit dwells in rhythmic silence.