stored procedure造句

Now you can call the stored procedure.

For example, a stored procedure can call other stored procedures, or a stored procedure can access multiple tables.

The stored procedure executed successfully but did not return records.

The stored procedure designer is a non-modal, graphical interface used to specify information to define a stored procedure.

If a stored procedure contains embedded static SQL, the client only needs to have the privilege to execute the stored procedure.

An error occurred retrieving the parameters of this stored procedure or user-defined function.

An extended stored procedure did not advance a rowset to the next row.

They are not called "stored procedure nicknames," however, since a nickname is considered an object that has the qualities of a table, not those of a procedure.

The string buffer supplied to the string formatting routine in the extended stored procedure was too small to continue processing.

Article definition must include article name and the name and owner of the table or stored procedure being published.

However, they can be resolved if you embed the INSERT statements above in an SQL stored procedure with a little extra logic.

Most developers create an application that processes each line, extracts the data, and then executes a stored procedure for each line.

For example, a stored procedure could update some DB2 UDB data, execute a CICS transaction, and be assured that if any of these operations was to fail, the entire transaction would be rolled back.

Mapping to stored procedures.

Create stored procedures to help automate actions.

Generate stored procedures that insert, update, or delete rows.

stored procedure造句

Error executing extended stored procedure: Invalid Parameter.

Error executing extended stored procedure: Invalid parameter value.

The scope of savepoints set inside a stored procedure is restricted to the individual execution of the stored procedure.

What if you could pass the entire file to a stored procedure and let the stored procedure handle the entire process?

The global cache was not properly initialized in the extended stored procedure.

Elapsed time measured in both cases was quite close, with the elapsed time per row returned by the federated stored procedure actually somewhat less than that of the native stored procedure.

The value of the input parameter '%1' cannot be converted to the type of the stored procedure parameter.

Named parameter makes the application robust so that you don't need to change the application even if the sequence of the parameter in the stored procedure changes.

Secondly, the NNSTAT stored procedure now offers a choice of statistics-gathering methods, as well as fine-grained control over the columns and indexes for which statistics are to be collected.

Create new stored procedures.

The logging stored procedures framework consists of two parts.

The schema of the stored procedure is always replicated. Replicate the execution of the stored procedure:

Run the stored procedure to the line containing the cursor

Parameter two supplied to the extended stored procedure is not valid.

Select the stored procedure for each operation. If the procedure requires parameters, specify which column in the data row contains the parameter value.

As of DB2 V8.2.2, all of the missing parameters have been added to the output of the get_db_config stored procedure.

The article also explains the specialties when LOAD FROM CURSOR operations are executed within application code using the ADMIN_CMD stored procedure.

Recreate application database stored procedures

Granting execute authority on the stored procedure.

No stored procedures exist in this database. You do not have permissions to create a stored procedure.

After restarting the instance, the external stored procedures library will be loaded in memory by DB2 on first invocation of the stored procedure.

You can use it on production systems to turn on or off stored procedure logging on the fly, and it will help you understand and manage your stored procedures.

To take advantage of low-latency SSD resources, you can also identify hot tables and then use the ADMIN_TABLE_ move stored procedure to move the table onto the tablespace backed with SSD storage.

The Stored Procedure Resolver encountered the following error executing the stored procedure '%1'. %2

A notification function cache entry was not found in the extended stored procedure.

This causes the stored procedure to execute once the report is run and then you can use it to extract information from an existing PMML mining model.

Create the stored procedures during initial synchronization of subscriptions

The use of this stored procedure required only the parameter value and the name of the stored procedure itself to be sent from the client application to the database server.

Retrieving information about the stored procedures in this database

The parameter index supplied to the parameterized Command object is out of range in the extended stored procedure.

When you sign a stored procedure with a certificate, a data digest consisting of the encrypted hash of the stored procedure code is created using the private key.

Calling a remote stored procedure with no result set means that the overhead added by federation is limited to name and type mapping between local and remote names and input parameters.

Could not drop synchronous update stored procedure '%s' in '%s'.