
Listen to your body - your long-term health and sanity depend on it.

Her job is so big, so unpredictable, that she says these fixed points are crucially important "to maintain my sanity".

Tell them that they are not required to join you, but that you want to do this for your own sanity.

Faith in yourself, your topic, and your general sanity is a must if you are to be a better public speaker.

When sanity dictates that you stop shoving food into your face at the buffet or dinner table, but somehow you can't seem to stop, pop mint-flavoured gum into your mouth.

So let's do a little sanity check.

The chameleon on the mirror flipping without rest slips into some deranged state far from sanity.

If any of you are planning to be on Interstate 95 this summer, and you see a poor guy's sanity lying there, could you please let me know?

Although this is not mandatory, it is advisable to restore the backup images onto a separate machine and carry out few sanity tests to verify the sanctity of the backup images.


Some other rules make one question the sanity of mobile app developers.

ISBSG early estimate Checker: Use this tool, shown in Figure 1, as a sanity check for your early estimates.

In a dirty bogus business, riddled with deceit, manipulation and betrayal, an intelligence service maintains it sanity by developing its own concept of what it believes to be the truth.

Sometimes our days are so crammed with things to do that 10 minutes represents the difference between sanity and insanity.

So while we wait for tort reform, and some sanity to return to the medical industry, it's up to all of us to stop the madness where we can.

At this point, it's a good idea to do a quick sanity check to make sure you've set up the build path properly.

As I watched, horrified, I could feel my sanity crumbling away.

Their book about the experience, Hostage, is a gripping read, not least in its account of the different devices each deployed to keep a grip on sanity.