
Remediation is a challenging and time-consuming task.

And Dubai is not the only place that is challenging the Business vocabulary in this way.

Sing to a song in your mind to help remove challenging thoughts.A lullaby might be a soothing choice.

Obviously, that rather challenging and provocative notion is something that lends itself readily to the sort of no-nonsense tone that I'm talking about.

Patients who take ICS may have other corticosteroid exposures, or have other conditions that predispose them to side effects, making the analysis of the ICS risk challenging.

HR's new challenging role would be able to quickly turn strategy into action, to manage processes intelligently and efficiently, to maximize employee contribution and commitment, and to create the conditions for seamless change.

Participatory approaches are also more challenging.

This unpredictability makes architecting social spaces the most challenging work a designer can take on.

Yoga or Tai Chi: Good for the body and mind, these classes are both relaxing and physically challenging.

Mental energy can be increased through the stress and conditioning method, through challenging mental study and tasks, deep learning and creative activities.

It's challenging because the primitive mammalian brain doesn't run on logic or vows. You may have noticed that you can't use willpower to force yourself to fall in love — or stay in love.

"It was the most challenging thing of my entire career," she said.

These perceptions would make it more challenging for us to apply the RUP in the best possible way.

In these challenging times, you can keep relationships alive through faceless conference calls or live video conferences, but chances are they won’t grow much without some quality face time.

To abolish the prerogative courts which were seen as challenging the supremacy of the law, and.

The first requirement for flow is to set a goal that's challenging but not unattainable-something you have to marshal your resources and stretch yourself to achieve.

If those programs don't seem challenging enough for your running level, try this advanced beginner 5k training schedule.


Only by constantly challenging ourselves and challenging life can we achieve greater success.

Complying with multiple standards and mandates is challenging because each set of requirements has a different purpose and USES different terminology to specify it.

The EFF has been challenging several patents as part of its patent Busting project. The purpose of the project is to invalidate bad patents that hurt the public and consumer interests.