
The ubiquity of the quality culture should extend to the customer.

The ubiquity of scrollbars has unfortunately resulted in some unfortunate misuse. Most significant here is their shortcomings in navigating time.

Given the ubiquity of online video, it may be hard to believe that it is just four and a half years since YouTube was launched, for instance.

But even in the event of more personal tragedies, the ubiquity of our lives spent online often means that is where we also choose to honor the dead.

Today, numbers are on the wane thanks to the ease with which mobiles can store and retrieve names and the ubiquity of e-mail addresses and other internet-based identity tags, such as Skype names.


Foolish me, I came away thinking, underestimating the ubiquity, and triumph, of corporate strategy.

The ubiquity of micro family businesses is related to Italy’s rigid regulations, as are its tax-collecting problems.

Given the ubiquity and spread of Hanzi in Ancient Asia, it made a lot of sense to make traditional Chinese the universal language of the Avatar world.

That red serves as an attractant color for men manifests itself in the ubiquity of using red for some beautification products such as red lipstick, red lingerie, and red stilettos.

The ubiquity of RSS is so powerful that publishers want to deliver more and more content to users via RSS.

If that's right, if that's the psychology, then even for those death thrill seekers, the ubiquity of death won't necessarily be a good thing because of it being constant.

And perhaps the explanation has got to be the ubiquity of death is this kind of background, constant hum.

The ideology's ubiquity in this field of practice may have been overstated, yet it does manifest itself through translation's inseparability from the politico-cultural concerns in the target language system, and as a tendency bound up with language and art.

However, the ubiquity of the Backspace key shows that incremental Undo is a learned behavior that users find to be helpful.

He was a sort of almost irritating ubiquity; no halt was possible with him.

The ubiquity of the dollar allows Americans to believe that their country will automatically retain its rightful place as global economic leader.