
That neat trick has now grown trickier.

Okay, this one's going to be a little bit trickier to draw.

The majority of publications appear in the trickier Modern Standard Arabic that is written but rarely spoken.

Locate highlighting can help but is insufficient because the object may be completely occluded by others. Group selection is even trickier.

Defining the regular expression that will match all strings or quoted strings is a bit trickier than defining exact word matches.

A switch to forest gardening and other forms of permaculture is trickier, especially for producing grain; but such is the scale of the creeping emergency that we can't afford to rule anything out.

If so, getting leases can be trickier.

Sightings of leading politicians on Stockholm’s streets are rarer than they once were and access to government buildings is trickier.

On the one hand, searching for heterozygous variants can be slightly trickier, said Veltman, because individuals have many more heterozygous variants than homozygous.

Even today, the mechanism used to raise and lower the top, along with body reinforcements, make them heavier, less capacious, less secure, and trickier to engineer than their fixed-roof counterparts.

What makes things trickier still is that not all attraction is equal.

A trickier revision for readers involves Paul's Letter to the Romans, forever a key Christian text on sin and Christ's salvific grace.

Conversational services are obviously trickier.

Getting the to-do list right is trickier, not least because misguided meddling could make unemployment worse.


Climate change makes hydrology trickier still.

The argument over whether the West should arm the rebels-and whether even an elastic interpretation of UN Security Council resolution 1973 would allow for it-is trickier still.

The problem of ETA members in hiding, like Mr Pla, is trickier.

The prototype camera model Fergus chose could already detect UV, but getting the camera to send UV light was a little trickier.