
In 2001, Blenkin was instructed to join a team including an archaeologist, a forensic anthropologist and two forensic dentists.

Yet another technique in the forensic specialist's repertoire is photo superposition(Patrick Nuyghe)

The head has been modelled by the internationally renowned forensic artist Richard Neave from a skull recovered from the wreck.

The project aims to find Lisa's bones and possibly reconstruct her face using carbon dating, DNA analysis and forensic techniques.

Clearly the government could take all sorts of forensic decisions about the carrying values of assets that Banks have on their balance sheets.

In order to make them realistic, Kittiwat spent many hours studying anatomy and visiting forensic museums. At the same time, he found it important to make his bread delicious as well.


Later, Parker had a forensic scientist examine several paint samples.

A practicing forensic scientist has a Built-in bias or predisposition toward the prosecution's side.

The detachment also received traditional forensic training from Australia, which lost 88 of its citizens in the 2003 Bali bombing.

While he doesn't keep score, he says that about 85 percent of his forensic work has led to identifications. A smaller number have led to arrests.

Another file contains the police forensic photograph of Nancy's body.

Extensive forensic analysis of the wreckage has, in a way, brought the story of the Titanic to a familiar place.

Forensics USES this technology to help uncover crimes. The technological advancements of forensic science have contributed greatly to solving crimes and finding justice.

He named the three investigators as Peter Diaczuk, an expert in firearms evidence, Daniel Spitz, a prominent forensic pathologist, and Jeff Spivack, an expert in forensic video analysis.

But it wasn't for a lack of trying, by both investigators and a forensic sculptor whose work has helped identify dozens of the nameless dead.

As a forensic anthropologist, to review the ultimate cold case is a privilege.

If scientists can confirm the skull belongs to the model, forensic artists will then attempt to reconstruct her face to see - and perhaps solve the riddle of the Mona Lisa's enigma.

Had the researchers examined some newly found document, mummified body, or other forensic evidence, that would be one thing.

Until a forensic analysis or some other concrete evidence proves otherwise that conspiracy theory doesn't hold up for me--especially after hearing the final album versions on very good speakers.