
3、lexicographic(al) order

6、With a little foresight, it's not hard to overcome what might seem like a limiting factor of lexicographic searches.

9、Pragmatic meaning and lexicographic meaning are related to each other at the deep level while contrasting with each other at the superficial level.


2、lexicographic product

7、Otherwise the slices are ordered by lexicographic ordering of their identifiers (which is a heuristic, but definite, ordering).

1、lexicographic sorting

8、I'll use another back-to-the-races example to demonstrate one of the more unusual facets of this powerful, cloud-based datastore: lexicographic searching.

5、The cover pebbling number for lexicographic product graphs and some strong product graphs were determined.

10、Hence, though the natural ordering of slices had "Mary" from the first slice, it is "Bill" who appears first in the resulting list due to lexicographic ordering on their names.

4、0 used to write procedures to achieve a combination of mathematics lexicographic law.