
With dwindling resources and an already increasing number of undernourished people in the world, the effects could be devastating.

Most of the people are poor and weak, food is undernourished, clothes are not washed and replaced, and houses are not well lit.

He called the 28-year-old Park "one of the most underrated players in the game," high praise for a player who once seemed merely one of the most undernourished.

Fat is one of the great American paradoxes: films, television, and magazines all idolise undernourished fashion waifs;

At the same time, when we have one billion undernourished people, we probably have one billion people who eat too much and particularly too many animal products.

Because in the past many undernourished children have benefited from cow 's milk given them at school, milk has gained a reputation as being essential for growing children.


The 1995-97 famine killed more than one million North Koreans and created an undernourished generation wracked by cognitive disabilities.

Still, in a world where more than a billion people are undernourished and the population is still growing, every little hurts.

Their offspring, especially their daughters, are also undernourished during infancy.