
It slows down nearly every pointer assignment.

Otherwise, it will return the pointer you provided.

This pointer will point to the first element (known as the "head") of the list.

Any pointer arithmetic should be performed using variables of type long regardless if in 32-bit or 64-bit mode.

In the working example, move the slider pointer at the top of the display a bit to the right (that is, grab it with your mouse pointer, drag it over, then release the first Button).

Joan Durbeyfield, as she spoke, curved a sodden thumb and forefinger to the shape of the letter c, and used the other forefinger as a pointer.

Important registers to look for when debugging through signals are the GPRs, instruction pointer (NIP), machine state register (MSR), trap, data address register (DAR), and so on.

You can then use the return pointer to configure other aspects of the virtual file, such as the function to call when a read is performed on the file.

Card marking algorithms can add as little as two or three machine instructions per non-initializing heap pointer store, and entails scanning any objects on dirty CARDS at minor collection time.

If you free an already freed pointer, it tells you.

This function gets a pointer to the mutex it is trying to lock.

Logically, peek doesn't remove the item from the internal collection, it basically just passes a pointer to it.

Using your big toe as a pointer, tracing the alphabet as if you were writing in the sand.

The benefits of GC to application development — including pointer safety, leak avoidance, and freeing developers from needing to write custom memory-management tooling — are well documented.

There are several costs to card marking - additional space for the card map, additional work to be done on each pointer store, and additional work to be done at garbage collection time.

Yeah, a pointer to this chunk of memory.

You could then select another subset through a member pointer of that node.

The Project Model Manager coordinates with each Business Analyst by providing a pointer to a workspace that can be opened in the appropriate tool.

Most likely, the material identified by the URI will itself be an indirect pointer to an actual schema or description, allowing the syntax of the real description to evolve over time.

A null reference pointer was passed to the stub.

Move the pointer over each section of the pie chart to view the percentage for the statement type.

Time for pointer fun.

When you assign any list to a variable, you're really assigning a pointer or reference to the list.


I need my laser pointer.

The patch optimizes this case by converting the cached reference from a sequence number to a pointer to the highest packet in the queue that has been SACKed in the past.

If there isn't enough memory available, it returns a null pointer.

It keeps checking the tail pointer and advancing it if necessary until the queue is in the quiescent state, at which point it can begin its own insertion.