
But the most memorable, and haunting, bird-sound was man-made.

Its nihilism and its unbalanced lack of basic trust are haunting.

Creating a single stunning painting, or a single haunting piece of music, is far more "productive" than trying to make ten mediocre ones.

Without doubt the saddest moment in the history of Brazilian football was met by an eerie, haunting silence in the gigantic stadium.

Mary Hemingway was the one who placed this passage near the close of the book, where it delivers a sense of haunting finality—a glimpse of a paradise lost.


The haunting guitar melodies typify the band's music.

The finale began on a dark stage, a haunting series of tunes by my favorite living tenor saxophonist, Igor Butman.

A specter is haunting America, the specter of Europe. Which is just one reason why Barack Obama's first two years have been such a tonic for conservatism.

And in the final scene, so desolate, so eloquent, one of the most haunting passages in all of cinema, Antonioni realised something extraordinary: the pain of simply being alive. And the mystery.

Then he was looking around, only to see a lot of weird people haunting around.

I think I should be happy, even if life has too many misfortunes, but that is still haunting as trassient as a fleeting cloud of happiness.

I know from personal experience that this can be a haunting thing.

After all, most of what we like about those after-dark pictures is the haunting, unexpected character of the light creating brooding scenes that seem to reveal the world.

In ten years, the house has been sold to four different owners, and soon after each moved in, they moved out because of the haunting.

It seemed like they were haunting me.

Many who have heard this famous piece can hum the melody and often describe it as haunting, foreboding, and big.