
He writes smug, sanctimonious rubbish.

The British press at its worst is intrusive, sanctimonious and spiteful.

"Keep Portland sanctimonious," mumble a few contrarians, while others savour the irony that Portland had to steal the slogan from Austin, Texas.

a sickening sanctimonious smile.

A sanctimonious smile, remark, person, letter of protest.

FOR Sri Lanka's government and many of its citizens, reactions in the West to the final phase of its 26-year war with the Tamil Tigers have reeked of sanctimonious hypocrisy.

It's that sanctimonious air that people can't stand.

He was donned in his Sunday garments, with his most sanctimonious and sourest face, and, holding his hat in one hand and his stick in the other, he proceeded to clean his shoes on the mat.

What is more, Norway and Iceland point out, they have managed their fish stocks much better than the sanctimonious whale-lovers of the European Union.


You sanctimonious little hypocrite!

My answer is the former. In my opinion people who speak rudely are better than these sanctimonious guys.