
The poor girl thrilled with horror.

He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films.

He was filled with horror at the bad news.

There was gasp of horror from the spectator as he fell off the tightrope.

Bob: I remember you don’t like the horror fiction or movie.

How, then, could this race devoid of spirituality clothe in myths the profound horror of its life?

At3:15 am I awoke suddenly to an unexplainable and utterly paralyzing feeling of horror and dread that steals the warmth of my blood even now.

At 7.20am he heard two shots but could see neither stalker nor deer. To his horror, he realised that the gunman could be firing towards his group.

Two men and a woman face life in jail for tying a teenager to a tree, pouring petrol down his throat and setting him alight in a gruesome re-creation of a scene from a horror film.

“Human Quilt” (horror movie)

Can you imagine the horror of that old lady?

Stationery of horror is an old project of him. He created a bloodthirsty corporate design for Germany's most famous crime and horror channel.

I'd stare in horror as they gleefully ate Mother's Pride bread filled with white sugar.

For the Andean people known as the 'Warriors of the Clouds', their lives - and deaths - were full of horror.

This is Martin Scorsese's evocation of the delicious shuddering fear we feel when horror movies are about something and don't release all the tension with action scenes.

On a large television screen the previous day, Elisabeth, 42, had confronted her father with the full horror of her 24-year ordeal in hour after hour of harrowing prerecorded testimony.

She doesn't like to watch horror films.

The Chinese miracle is built on a raw, bulldozed landscape of unrelenting horror.

It was not the first time in recent years we've felt this horror, this sorrowful sense of estrangement, not nearly.

If it fits your definition of those enigmatic initials, be it fantasy, horror, speculative, weird or any any flavour of imagnative literature, then we want to know about it.


The news struck him with horror.

I love this world, where every horror is matched by something doubly wondrous.

Witnesses today described their horror at seeing a tourist being eaten by a "gigantic" shark in South Africa's most popular holiday destination.

That horror film made my blood run cold.

If so, it will be seen as a harbinger of a another horror: the prospect of a shutdown of the North Atlantic conveyor.

GeekDad: Right now, horror films are basically torture/gore fests with the occasional psychological thriller with some horror elements.

Suddenly, his eyes opened wide, bloodshot eyes that stared fixedly as if in a trance, and tiny beads of sweat began breaking out on his forehead as he remembered the horror of his dream.

But his death was a great horror for the little boy and Patrasche. They cried very hard.

The pirates were in possession of the house and stores: there was the cask of cognac, there were the pork and bread, as before, and what tenfold increased my horror, not a sign of any prisoner.