
The result is a thin layer of crispy skin on juicy, succulent meat.

With long, pointed leaves, this succulent plant has medicinal properties and often appears on product labels.

The costolette alla Milanese was beautifully succulent veal chop covered in breadcrumbs and fried in butter – an almost perfect dish.

But unlike other top-rated debt instruments, CPDOs pay a succulent interest rate of as much as two percentage points over cash.

This short-stemmed succulent has been used in alternative medicines for centuries — the gel inside aloe vera can help treat cuts and burns.

India also looks like a succulent opportunity.

Accessory fruit a fleshy fruit developing from a succulent receptacle rather than the pistil.

Green peas, green beans, and sweet corn are picked before maturity to obtain succulent textures and sweetness.

Head chef Nile Do Carmo has expertly mastered the art of pairing international flavors with classic Peruvian inspirations, making each meal a succulent preparation of culinary excellence.


Seeds enveloped by red succulent aril.

The green fruit ripens and turns yellow, the white flesh inside is succulent and has a very distinct flavor.

Surely there was a way to keep the disinterred metal root balls sprouting in the lab, coaxing their fruit to full succulent ripeness as the noblest of metals — lead into silver, copper to gold?

A succulent and complex Pinot Noir showing smouldering savoury and gamey character.

Food Safety is a Given, as a supplier of a staple diet food it is of Paramount importance that the food we provide is: safe, tasty, nutrition, succulent, and value for money.

From first-class cocktails and cigars to succulent Italian menus, the cuisine at the Wellesley Hotel is sure to please even the pickiest connoisseur.

Drag onto the page to add a succulent such as aloe vera or yucca.

Think of purslane as a great alternative or addition to lettuce: the leaves and stems are crisp, chewy, and succulent, and they have a mild lemony taste.