
The surviving Hunter ducked behind its shield, bellowing a vengeful cry.

I can hear her warming-up, bellowing like a siren through the scales.

Salma and Sabiha look like they could be sisters, both tall and heavy, with deep, bellowing laughs.

Before your hands are even tired, the man is bellowing, soaked in sweat, the blue silk pasted to his back and legs.

He looked defiantly at the bellowing walrus.

To emit the deep, bellowing sound made by a cow; low.

Assistants to the auctioneer execute invoices with astounding rapidity as the auctioneer's bellowing voice moves the bidding with speed from one fish to another.

Don't be put off by the parking lot full of tour buses and the guides in matching straw hats bellowing into bullhorns. Bing Lang Yuan is a worthwhile theme park of indigenous folkways.

Rugby and cricket, which still remind me of chilly afternoons and steely sports masters bellowing “Get up Gerard, you’ll live!

He brings talent and inventiveness into the realm of alternative music, armed with a dynamic voice capable of bellowing out a death metal growl or a lilting angelic whisper.

You don't want to do go in and start bellowing, "Dodd said in an interview with The Times in March."

Suddenly Johansson heard a bellowing noise from the garden next door.

Visitors lined up to watch the Santas, the Mrs. Clauses and all their little helpers parade through the park, bellowing "Ho-hos" and singing Christmas carols.


Harry's bellowing cod - psychoanalysis of Voldemort is jarringly awful.