
blade, for earthworking machines, scrapers, coal ploughs or strippers

A washed out former star in need of money has a get rich plan... start a volleyball team whose players consist of group of beautiful athletic strippers.

But then hr figured--he was sure to gather over five hundred catties of cocoons . Even at fifty dollars a hundred, they'd sell for two hundred and fifty dollars. Feeling a bit consoled, he heard a small voice from among the leaf-strippers .

This paper briefly introduces the leakage situation of titanium ammoinia strippers in domestic SNAM-type urea plants in recent years.

Roppongi, where she eventually found work at a hostess bar called Casablanca, is the neon-lit playground of this civilization in decline, where Japanese Neros go to fiddle while their economy burns, where saked-up salarymen nuzzle Russian strippers.

Light table: A glass-top table, with a diffusion sheet and a light beneath, used by strippers to prepare flats, also especially useful for retouching and tracing art.



For months he has portrayed the Republicans as ruthless asset-strippers who care nothing about the middle class so long as they can promote the interests of the super-rich.

I needed wire strippers and wire crimpers for that.