
Light yellow is associated with intellect, freshness, and joy.

And maybe that sense of freshness is why the present doesn't hold all the CARDS.

Add sufficient cold water once and for all to stew fish, or else it will dilute its freshness.

Many Christian workers do not recognize the importance of the heavenly dew in their lives, and as a result they lack freshness and vigor.

Then, however, there was the freshness of the passing year on its exterior, and the cheerfulness, gleaming forth from the sunny Windows, of a human habitation, into which death had never entered.


Use and replace food before it loses freshness.

All homemade food items and sauces do not contain preservatives MSG and artificial colouring. please refrigerate to ensure freshness.

It must cajole him with freshness, or novelty, or paradox, or humor, or surprise, or with an unusual idea, or an interesting fact, or a question.

To gauge the "freshness" of the data, you might decide to add a timestamp field to the object so that you could easily detect whether the object and the backing store were out of sync.

To preserve the freshness of your clothes, place a sheet of fabric softener in your luggage.

The chain, which prides itself on the high quality of its chicken, used to avoid preparing food until the customer had ordered in order to preserve freshness.

Products would be allocated efficiently according to preferences for freshness.

Like everything else, alas, a story also gets stale and the glory of the teller suffers likewise; that is why he has to add fresh colouring every time to keep up its freshness.

Shelton saw that the heat was really harming her, as too hot a day will dim the icy freshness of a northern plant.

It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility.

That's all nice, but nothing beats the clear flavor of steamed fish, with nothing to disguise the freshness.