
I should think it an extremely loathsome profession.

Unshaven bus drivers poured loathsome, hair-raising curses out at each other.

In his fury, Sargeras shattered the prisons of the eredar and the Nathrezim and set the loathsome demons free.

If you like someone, it's not like a flower falling to the musky ground, not even loathsome, not a tear in the corner of the eye, but letting yourself transform into dust ash.


A burglar for love is loathsome.

In all her miserable experience, there was nothing else so awful and so loathsome as this sense.

There had always been those who found smoking "loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs," as James I put it in 1604.

My wounds fester and are loathsome because of my sinful folly.

Before he became the fat loathsome slug that we recognize Jabba as in Return of the Jedi, Jabba was referred to as a "Hut," and looked quite different.

Punk purists are perhaps the most loathsome gnats in all of creation.

Murder is a vile and loathsome crime.

They were examples of humility and kindness shining amidst a vile and loathsome mass of hypocrisy, arrogance, and cant.

It is like a plastered wall where vipers have crawled; like a plastered wall where the scorpions have made their nest. It is like a whited sepulchre full of loathsome things.