Darwinian evolution造句

To midwife such emergence is the singular achievement of Darwinian evolution.

It is a cultural deprivation not to appreciate the wonderful panorama offered by modern cosmology, DNA and Darwinian evolution.

Thanks in large part to Philip Gingerich, the fossil record of whales now offers one of the most stunning demonstrations of Darwinian evolution rather than a refutation of it.

Upon inspection, it exhibits some wonderful features of Darwinian evolution, and is aptly adapted to its hostile and precarious environment.

If we can find it in artificial cells, we will be transported back to the onset of Darwinian evolution and the origins of life as we know it.

But, in its humblest incarnation, a very primitive working cell — a self-contained chemical system that undergoes Darwinian evolution.

Darwinian evolution造句

Using phrases like "Darwinian selection" or "Darwinian evolution" implies there must be another kind of evolution at work, a process that can be described with another adjective.

Furthermore, returning to the first question, it seems that even humble binding-site conversions are typically beyond the reach of Darwinian evolution.

Once you light Darwinian evolution, it takes off.