
Therefore, this poem may be read as a cornerstone at the foundation of her oeuvre.

His whole oeuvre is quite extraordinary - if you pick out the best bits.

Lessing himself, although able to read, understand and translate Latin, Greek, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and English, wrote his extensive oeuvre in the Germanlanguage.

Mona Hatoum's poetic and political oeuvre is realised in a diverse and often unconventional range of media, including installations, sculpture, video, photography and works on paper.

Chen's entire oeuvre is defined by his references and reserves - a mixed grab bag of material and inspiration that is open for all to see, coalescing in various forms that gather in various series.

implementation (mise en oeuvre) of international responsibility and the settlement of disputes

One of the films in ms Fisher's oeuvre was called "Dead by Dawn". That will not be HP's fate.

His large oeuvre spans from delicate pop songs to electronic music and to dream-like grand orchestral pieces. In addition to these, he also wrote numerous amount of music for the movies.


he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre; Picasso's work can be divided into periods.

But it's more than likely that someone will make money from the photographs, the field, or the design of these latest additions to the oeuvre.

Money Never Sleeps slaps his oeuvre back to life.

In announcing Mr Tranströmer's victory, the Swedish Academy has praised an oeuvre that is "characterised by economy" and that grants "fresh access to reality".

With its wide-ranging reflections, this oeuvre has earned Pitanguy a place in Brazil's prestigious academy of letters.

Romantic novelists rarely fail to include in their oeuvre that special moment when two strangers look into each other's eyes across a crowded room and feel the tingle of desire.

Liu Wei 's oeuvre consists of works in a variety of media: installation, painting, multimedia, etc.