
They want to organize a consortium of labor parties.

Let me encourage the members and supporters of this consortium to make the goals of affordability and accessibility central to your work as new products are developed.

If units of the same profession form a consortium, the grade of qualifications shall be determined according to the unit with lowest qualification level.

In a climate where governments demand greater surveillance capabilities, it seems surprising that a consortium of large computer manufacturers would come up with a security chip that enables anonymity.

Each of the groups making up the consortium has its own scientific focus.

A consortium of European Union aid groups Built a spacious gym, and women in tights take fitness classes there or play badminton.

The aircraft will be built by a European consortium.

But the deal is controversial because the plant's boilers will be provided by Hitachi Power Africa, a consortium in which Chancellor House has a 25% stake.


The new aircraft was developed by a European consortium.

As BP led the consortium which owned the well and was leasing the rig, it is responsible for the spill-and therefore liable for the costs of cleaning up and some third-party damages.

Mathews Phosa, the anc's treasurer, says Chancellor House will divest from the consortium soon.

The Shard, for example, was put on hold in 2007 after the first tremors of the credit crunch; work only restarted after an infusion of private money from a Qatari consortium in 2008.