
Meanwhile, they called to one another in their distinctive, creaky trill.

Announcements made on the new, multibillion-dollar light rail were delivered in English almost as creaky as my Mandarin.

That would almost be murder, and so I wait until the first night frost anaesthetizes all the flowers with a cold, creaky crust that causes them to wither;

Because large portions of the Mac OS were still based on creaky old code, Apple decided that it had to start from scratch.

The sedan is creaky under the heavy weight.

If the film's characters are anachronisms, the armature of "You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger" is positively creaky.

Warmly-lit boutiques with creaky wooden floorboards and large windowpanes stand in the century-old brick buildings on Yongkang Street and its surrounding area.

Europe's creaky old refineries will not be able to process the heavier Saudi crude, and fuel regulations there are less tolerant of sulphur content than elsewhere in the world.

Wiedeking inherited a creaky, old-school factory and an ancient model range burdened with other people’s mistakes.

Headache: TCI's cable system is a bit creaky, and a lot of technology that doesn't work yet will have to bang on all eight cylinders if AT&T is to achieve its goal of becoming the one-stop signal provider.

In countries that industrialised long ago, much of the infrastructure is old and creaky. The London Underground opened in 1863, and you can tell.

Unlike many of their foreign counterparts, however, U. S. reactors are graying and getting creaky.

His protagonist, Omar Yussef, is almost an anti-hero: a creaky ex-alcoholic schoolteacher with painful joints and faltering moral courage.


I walked through the creaky, old gate again and kick-started the motorcycle.