
TP cannot be used to rectify a poor MDC design.

Once I realized this, I immediately began to rectify the situation.

They said Rongping has taken steps to rectify the problem since 2001 and discharge levels are now within government standards.

There is little for the administrator to do except determine why the migration failed, rectify the situation, and attempt the nimadm process again.

To rectify this, a strategy is to ask yourself if your conclusions are realistic and that will make you to really use it.


The matter will rectify itself in a few days.

If the name is spoken in a theater, there is a cleansing ritual one can do to rectify the mistake.

We will rectify and standardize order in the exploitation of mineral resources and develop and use Marine resources wisely.

It enables you to rectify the problem by providing you with secure access to and control of all servers, routers, switches, and power devices in your remote data centers.

For a decade, it has sought to rectify that imbalance, But it has hit many obstacles.

A majority of the remaining provisioning failures was the result of running out of capacity in the cloud, and WebSphere CloudBurst made this easy to spot and rectify.

We will continue to rectify order in the real estate market, and standardize transactions.

There is still work to be done before the aircraft will fully rectify the problems identified by the operational test report, Thomas acknowledged.

He won’t fix a blame for failure on something or someone, but will modulate himself to rectify the situation.

Adjust economical environment and rectify economical order.

Everyone of us is fallible. How to rectify our errors is the main point.