
The nerve-racking ride that ensued foreshadowed his current wild adventure.

In realized you live the train of thought low-spirited is nerve-racking, fixes your gaze on the faint smile, all is a trace which moves.

It was 12 May 1937, and the forty-one-year-old king was about to face one of the greatest - and most nerve-racking - days of his life: his coronation.

There were no sweaty TV debates with the prime minister or nerve-racking interviews with heavyweight journalists.

Is nerve-racking panic-stricken the heart main startled, But hides the god young child spiritedly timid, wisdom not sufficient, if sees the thing exceptionally, or hears the special sound.

Requiring hard-driving consultants to take time off was 'nerve-racking' and awkward at first, says Debbie Lovich, a Boston Consulting executive who headed one of the teams.


Waiting to find out whether the sellers would accept our purchase offer was nerve-racking.

But it might also encourage the conferees to play to the gallery, a nerve-racking prospect for Wall Street given the surge in anti-bank sentiment over the course of this year.

He had no thoughts save for the nerve-racking, body - destroying toil.