
"Gagno," he said, "means child, but it's a word loaded with mockery." Second-grade kids say it to first graders.

Among these third - through fifth-graders, poor sleep was linked with more aggression and delinquency, as well as a higher incidence of depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

The average score of Hispanic fourth-graders jumped to 198 last year, versus 175 in 1994, which helped shrink the gap with their white counterparts.


Instead of using spelling to measure self-control in second graders, why not find a way a more precise measurement?

When the opening bell rang, the students, from first graders in hair ribbons to seniors in lip gloss, formed neat lines in the dusty courtyard.

America's fourth, eighth, and twelfth graders don't have that privilege.

On a cloudless Friday morning in May, 40 third and fifth graders from nearby Crossroads Christian Academy trooped onto a freshly plowed field, each armed with a spade.

In 1986, the southern Regional Education Board gave a test to eleventh graders in five southern states.

The detection systemcould not press or squeeze the egg like the graders did, but what would happenif they could pull on the egg with a slight negative pressure, or vacuum?

The news was even more dire in high school, where 12% of 12th-graders were proficient, unchanged since 2006.