
The couple had the foresight to plan their retirement wisely.

This kind of foresight might be less important for smaller, lower investment applications.

Or perhaps she had the foresight 30 years ago to think there would be a minority President.

The book emphasizes how deceptively effortless Mr. Jobs’s ideas now seem because of their extreme intuitiveness and foresight.

Here I would like to honour the memory of Dr JW Lee, my predecessor and mentor, for his foresight in establishing the Strategic Health Operations Centre.

It is about to renew half of its models and had the foresight to begin low-cost production in eastern Europe, with a factory in Slovakia and another, shared with Toyota, in the Czech Republic.


Hindsight is always better than foresight.

So you would think people with a little foresight might worry about that.

Many of my colleagues lack my foresight, which means that I often find myself bumping into them in the rain.

There are defense mechanisms that are thought of as "mature" and even "sophisticated", such as humor, foresight, assertiveness, self-observation, altruism and affiliation!

All he needs have is foresight.

And how might that underlying and disastrous lack of foresight be corrected?

Is the hippocampus directly involved in future-oriented processes, or is it instead active in such processes because foresight relies on memory?

No one had enough foresight to predict the winner.

These brain areas are also involved in planning and foresight, which might help a mother anticipate her infant's needs and be prepared to meet them.

A little wisdom, discretion and foresight can go a long way toward corporate survival.

This idiom is not terribly easy to discover, so Microsoft designers had the foresight to provide a Tabs command in the Format menu, as well, which gives more guidance to users (though it should be said that this dialog unfortunately does little to teach users how to use the ruler idiom).

The health sector cannot be blamed for lack of foresight. We have long known what is needed.

There is no natural foresight, no mechanism for warning that present selfish gains are leading to species extinction - and indeed, 99 per cent of all species that have ever lived are extinct.