contingency plan造句

Security metrics associated with contingency plan triggers or events.

Break out the contingency plan into a series of tasks or actions to be taken.

Prior to her departure, Shu Mai executed her contingency plan, releasing toxins into Felucia's far-reaching water table.

Every decision should have a contingency plan for when those unknown unknowns arise and deem your primary course of action obsolete.

contingency plans and emergency procedures manual

Treasury source said: "We have contingency plans in place."

To meet customers' expectations, Banks should therefore have effective capacity, business continuity and contingency planning.

The representative said he was not aware of any contingency planning to deal with large numbers of refugees.

Tourism management departments at all levels should make contingency plans for emergencies, to deal with possible disastrous weather.

Stefanski also reiterated the Nets could do a sign-and-trade and admitted the Nets have done contingency planning for various scenarios.

counter terrorism contingency plan

Add the contingency plan to the risk work item on the contingency plan TAB, or add the plan as an attachment.

Yang added that there should be a sound contingency plan in times of emergency and the plan should call for coordination among different sectors in society.

The report quoted several sources familiar with Japan-US military cooperation as saying the two sides have reached consensus on the necessity for such a contingency plan and will soon begin discussing the details.

A contingency planning approach was proposed to deal with the problems of implementation. Theory of contingency planning and relevant methods were discussed in the paper.

Finally, the main city of Chongqing city park place contingency plans for disaster prevention in practice.

In the West, cooperation between company contingency planners and public emergency authorities is well-established, and it's critical in facilitating efficient response in a disaster.

The HKMA also issued 10 supervisory guidelines to assist authorised institutions' preparations covering areas such as counterparty assessment, contingency planning, customer awareness and customer data back-up.

Describe all the resources that will be required to execute the contingency plan.

We have contingency plans.

The Web is an unreliable world, and contingency planning should be part of any Ajax application.

Enrolled in English conversation courses, through the English conversation skills upgrading and contingency plans (SPUR) to obtain high subsidies.

contingency plan造句

It has established a contingency plan and is provided with necessary contingency rescue equipment.

The ministry's own contingency plan for accidents emphasizes the need to "seize every minute and second to restore the traffic," according to Southern Weekly, a Guangzhou newspaper.

Technical analysis and advice - for example with contingency planning for small banking systems.

Lithuania, like the other Baltic states, is now gaining formal contingency plans from NATO and big American land exercises are planned for later this year.

You can't exorcise history through contingency planning.

That would mean, for example, a "Renaissance" of NATO, with real contingency planning and a more united attitude to dealing with Russia.

Application of scene play performs in nursing contingency plans training

Application of multi-department contingency plan for fire in operating room

Expect a few things to go haywire - especially things that involve technology - and prepare by having a few contingency plans.

Establish/ improve contingency plan for occupational-disease-inductive accidents.