
Or do you owe yourself.

Jack: Thanks, I owe you one.

I owe you a debt of gratitude for all you've done for me.

Companies usually go Bust because they owe the bank too much.

As I've said before, we - and particularly Summers-san and Bernanke-sama - owe the Japanese an apology.

Before being freed, the detainees are subjected to indoctrination sessions to remind them that they owe their freedom and their absolute loyalty to Pakistan, no matter what.

Whether your intentions are altruistic or selfish (or both), you owe it to yourself to explore the public transit options available to you in your city.

Other settlers have voiced support for the concept of "parallel states", in which Jews and Arabs would owe their allegiance to separate parliaments but share a single territory and army.

I owe them everything!

I owe it to them.

They were pleased to do this, and indeed they owe it to them.

But, this is not so surprising as many Western firms also owe their historical origins to the ideas of others.

The trouble with tax credits is that in order to make use of them, you must owe taxes, and most start-ups struggling toward profitability do not.

The very effort of individuals to lessen their burden of debts increases it, because of the mass effect of the stampede to liquidate... the more debtors pay, the more they owe.


You owe them that.

You owe these gals dinner, I tell you.

To make the calculation, you simply subtract what you owe (your liabilities) from what you own (your assets).

Alex,we owe you a debt for that,a debt of honor,and the United States will not be said to be ungrateful.

You don't owe me anything.

I owe you a debt of gratitude for what you've done.

Those years, I remember all my life, because you owe me money. You told me a saying that friends talk about money and hurt feelings. But I don't make you a friend.

This may lead to discovering you owe others more than you thought.

The only debt their designs owe to the city's past are the bright pops of jewel tones as accents throughout the hotel, a nod to the famous Faberge Eggs produced in the city.

I know people living in brand new huge homes with new cars and the latest fashions from all the boutiques yet they owe more than they earn.

Community gardens owe their existence to the energy of residents.

Many are here today, and for their service and their sacrifice, we owe them our everlasting gratitude.