
Now, the most tenuous of news reports has ramped the talk up again.

Outages like this shake users' already tenuous faith in the reliability of services that hold their most important data files.

I found Nesbitt's attempts to draw links between the differences in thought processes and sociology, history and linguistics to be somewhat tenuous.

Two other councils where no party currently has overall control, Cumbria and Warwickshire, are in his sights too, as are two counties in the south-west where the Lib Dems now have a tenuous hold.

The encryption used by secure websites relies on tenuous relationships.

Dugongs are now legally protected throughout their range, but their populations are still in a tenuous state.

In only a tenuous sense, then, is E. coli a species in the way that, say humans or mice are species.

And that means that some of them might have to adopt positions that were more in accordance with their populations wishes, particularly if their hold on power was tenuous.

Time, however, made Reich’s grasp on reality more tenuous, particularly after he fled to America in 1939.

The U.K. bailout plans are expected to change as details are worked out, but if arguments balloon they could threaten the tenuous confidence that the bailout aims to foster.

EVERY day there are new stories in the tabloids about the latest link, sometimes tenuous, sometimes contradictory, between cancer and some aspect of lifestyle.

For this there is only tenuous empirical support when interest rates are close to zero.

And because obesity is determined by lack of exercise as well as calorie intake, its ultimate relationship with health costs is more tenuous than that of, say, smoking.


This is where hopes of an Asia-led rebound are most tenuous.