
Was there suddenly a quantum leap in U.S. science literacy?

The library should carry out the information literacy education and humanist literacy education for university students in addition to the traditional education of library utilization.

English is permanent because it came to reign amidst print, widespread literacy, and eventually an omnipresent media.

This affects risks for entrepreneurs taking on new technologies as well as basic technological literacy and skills in the population.

The centre is run by the Afghan national police and British soldiers, and recruits learn policing techniques, military skills and receive lessons in literacy and numeracy.

Computer literacy, however, is nothing more than a euphemism for forcing human beings to stretch their thinking to understand an alien, machine logic rather than having software-enabled products stretch to meet people’s ways of thinking.

But anyone who steps through it needs to engage in a new kind of media literacy, based on key principles for both consumers and creators, which we'll delve into starting in the next chapter.


Classes in media literacy are a pressing need.

Getting people used to talking with animated data is, to my mind, a literacy project.

The plan calls for providing the poor with job training, legal documentation, electricity, literacy, medical treatment, day care, and sanitation.

The report, which is available free to schools from the university's Department of Education, concludes: " ICT offers the potential to improve standards of attainment in literacy and mathematics."

Recruitment has been hugely cranked up, attrition rates are well down, and recruits now gets a crash course in basic literacy and numeracy—many, the foreign instructors find, cannot even count.

There is a crisis of literacy in this country.

This month, we dedicate ourselves to increasing information literacy awareness so that all citizens understand its vital importance.

A strong core curriculum in the junior school reinforces literacy, numeracy and technological skills as well as essential values in civics and citizenship.

family spacing - food supplements - female literacy

Starting next year, some countries will participate in new international assessments of digital literacy, but the United States, for now, will not.

In this chapter, we discuss how a poor understanding of users and the specific ways they approach digital products has exacerbated the computer-literacy divide, and how software that better matches how people think and work can help solve the problem.

The hitch: more money can not yield ever higher returns, because there is only that much longevity, literacy or better health that money can buy.

That would have made a vote for independence almost impossible in a region of low literacy and abysmal infrastructure.

Since they are on their way to the Kennedy Center to attend a play, an opera or a concert, one may assume they are above average in cultural literacy.

This year's observance of International Literacy Day highlights the central role of literacy in the empowerment of women.