work at造句

3、Go start work at once!

6、She doesn't have to work at weekends.

9、Or work at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory?

12、The squire was hard at work at Bristol.

15、I was out of work at the time.

18、I work at the China Foreign Trade Corporation in Guangzhou.

21、How does your experience at a Lumber company qualify you for work at our company?

24、The surprised drunk looks at the bartender says, "Man! How many bars do you work at?""

27、Thee children's hospital I work at doesn't even have a gym. Niantic needs to work on that… "for the kids""

30、The staff officer's work of the police service is the essential component of the police work at present.

33、Your goal should be to work very hard at one, then work at the other on an AD hoc, as-needed basis.

36、Your supervisor must work at least five day per week and eight hour per day at the job site .

39、I used to work at a tobacconist's, and I found it quite interesting.

4、He did absolutely no work, ie no work at all.

8、Let's pitch into the work at once.

13、For many associates, some work is better than no work at all.

17、Team members can be geographically dispersed, work remotely, and work at different times.

22、A lady sees a pot-mender at work at his barrow in the street.

26、Then one day, the monitor didn't work at all on this configuration, but did work under proper configuration.

31、ICI was looking for diversification and ploughed a substantial amount of money into the work at CCL, representing nearly one quarter of its total work at its peak.

35、Along with Coore & Crenshaw's work at Sand Hills, your bunkering at Pacific Dunes captured the imagination of the golfers everywhere.

1、knocked off work at noon.

7、We start work at nine every morning.

14、Success never seems to come but through hard work, often physically demanding work at that.

20、Generally I get to work at 9:30 a.m.

28、Can work at 12 noon, 1:30 to go to work, other colleagues after dinner they lay to rest.

34、Adrian Horsford, director of millennial projects at BT, predicts it will encourage more people to work at home.

work at造句

2、We work at full capacity.

11、You should work at the office, or at home.

23、The farmers go to work at sunrise and go home at sunset.

32、If I break you in, I'll be doing plenty of your work at first. Suppose you begin at thirty, an 'work up to the forty.

5、However, the psychopath must work at making evil work.

19、Boeing will complete the work at its Heath, Ohio, facility.

37、I prefer to work at home as a freelance, doing jobs for several people at the same time.

16、I do interesting, rewarding work at a tiny specialised consultancy.

38、Ok, then, my dear readers, how do you overcome the interferences when you work at home?

29、America has need of idealism and courage, because we have essential work at home - the unfinished work of American freedom.

10、work at sth. with great care

25、Employees were expected to arrive at work at 7am, and discussed ideas at a daily meeting before the markets opened.