
Q: Please suggest a kind way to let a coworker know that she has severe body odor.

Check the cute stuff at the office door. If a coworker overhears you exchanging endearments like "Honey Bear" and "Lovey Pumpkin," you'll never hear the end of it.


There’s a coworker or acquaintance in your life who wants to get healthy, but needs a helping hand.

Many people know to lock or shut down the PC when leaving for the day, and perhaps even when going to lunch, but they might step out to discuss something with a coworker without thinking about it.

Every employee needs to know that the work they do impacts someone's life — a customer, a coworker, even a supervisor — in one way or another.

What if I say something negative about a friend or coworker?

Put away your BlackBerry, stop talking about your next big proposal, and halt all conversations about your gossipy coworker.