
She heard a floorboard creak upstairs.

He heard it creak, and then the sound of a small voice came to him.

Suddenly he heard the door creak and saw his brother enter.

Pushcarts creak from house to house along the posh suburban roads, and every bad snowstorm is a disaster.

I could feel the sag and slump of their bodies when they leaned against a rail, heard their shoes creak as the muscles tightened for the embrace.

In any case my physique is starting to creak and this is my last season, because after this season I don't think my body would allow me to play at the highest level.

The door opened with a creak.

Over the years still sturdy deck, old wooden chair creak, followed the British gentleman character.

A wind was springing up outside, making the tall old trees in the garden creak their leafless boughs.

You idly watch the heavy cart creak on in the dusty road, and the boat - mast crawling along the horizon across the far-off river.

In spite of his premeditated carefulness, the floor would now and then creak; his garments would rustle; the shadow of his presence, in a forbidden proximity, would be thrown across his victim.

I opened it with a creak, and the crying stopped.

I heard the floorboards creak by my bed where my head was laying exposed, I still couldn't move.

He lets us hear the creak of OARS and the scratch of pens, as well as the tubercular king fighting for every breath.

Old dwelling Wooden staircases, with the noise of creak when you set foot on it.

I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, but as I saw my alarm clock read 12:06, I heard my closet door creak open.

I felt a thrill of terror as the door began to creak open.


The window continued to creak all night.

All of them looked upward in time to see the crystal chandelier tremble; then, with a creak and an ominous jingling, it began to fall.

Rochester's visit it seemed spellbound: all the night I heard but three sounds at three long intervals, -- a step creak, a momentary renewal of the snarling, canine noise, and a deep human groan.