
Do not take any chances.

This would doom Turkey's EU chances.

Their chances of winning are slim.

Villagers: You don't know? So we have chances.

Your eyesight is too important to take chances.

The smoke of battle has dissolved. Black has an extra pawn and chances for victory. White has chances for a draw.

I said I'd take my chances and asked him to put it in the showroom.

Then we tell them to follow some new rules for living that will decrease their chances of ending up dead or in prison and increase their chances dramatically of staying alive and free.

Regular massages also help keep your muscles in optimal shape, greatly reducing your chances of muscle cramping during runs.

The daily consumption of certain molecules that occur naturally in foods decreases the chances of developing cancer.

If you notice a mucus discharge or small amount of brownish, pinkish or reddish blood (" bloody show "), chances are you've passed your mucus plug.

A second, larger study of men in their 70s found that those who avoided smoking, obesity, inactivity, diabetes and high blood pressure greatly improved their chances of living into their 90s.

Men tend to get all the more aggressive when they hit the highways increasing the chances of loss of control over the car, head-on collisions and roll overs.

If you do something with a selfish mind, it is not necessarily a bad thing to do something wrong, so as not to enhance your selfishness and finally bring bitter fruit. Changing mindset, self interest and altruism result in different chances.


My chances are very slim.

He'd create goals and chances for himself.

Black has an extra pawn and chances for victory. White has chances for a draw.

Their chances of winning the next election are over 50%.

Gum disease could significantly delay the chances of conceiving, fertility specialists have found.

The chances are high that the miserable cycle of protests, deaths and funerals will resume in 2011.

Why, the doctor told me this morning that your chances for getting well real soon were ten to one!

Mr Obama's chances of being any more successful depend on whether his team has correctly diagnosed what is driving the wave of foreclosures.

While Sir Alex is clearly confident about his own side's chances of winning the Champions League, he acknowledges that there is a band of other teams also capable of the feat- including Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool.

Always fascinated by chess, always feel that life is like playing chess, every step is faced with a choice, a careless, lose the game, the chess piece can be described as startling. Chess is a big game. If you play chess again, your life is wrong. Why do you have so many chances to choose again?

You get no second chances.

These chances give her internal plentitude and emotional independence.

This pushes down prices and increases the chances of the Banks suffering losses elsewhere.

The chances of them to go back to 2007 it's very, very unlikely but the chances for them to remain at these high levels, and not only, at these unstably high levels are there," he said.

The video-case, a new tool of teacher education integrating text-case and field-watching, could give teachers chances of promoting teaching skills.

If you succeed in remembering your dream then turn on the light and write it down. Because if you take path of least resistance and say: “Aha, I have the dream and I’ll remember it in the morning,” the chances are you won’t.

We all need second chances.

There are good chances of promotion in this firm.

He exhausts their number and with them his chances of life.

The introduction of foreign capital can bring in advanced technology and experience, relieve the tension of domestic fund, create plenty of employment chances, and promote export and foreign exchange.

The chances all gone?

McCarthy's snake-and-scorpion theology offers his characters no second chances, and it hints that their first chances never, in fact, existed.

Many undergraduate students want to achieve a higher academic qualification by pursuing graduate studies so that they have more chances to choose their jobs.

He's buggered up his chances of success.

We had a few difficulties in the first half but in the end we created a lot of chances.

He killed his chances of success.

she was willing to go into the one on a margin, and take chances, but in the case of the other, "margin her no margins"--she wanted to cash in a hundred cents per dollar's worth, and have the stock transferred on the books.

If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, good that you never take any chances.

Portugal had a few more chances in the first half, its best in the 21st when Caetano broke in from the right and Argentina keeper Esteban Andrada tipped his close-range shot over the crossbar.