
Design and Development of Information System for Coal Mine water-irruption Management

The more rational the construction of the official calendar of nonevents over the years, the more irrational the effect of a sudden irruption of genuine history.

All day Monday, because he is the irruption.

The whole body made a disorderly irruption into Mr. Bounderby's dining-room.


the irruption of a noisy group of revellers

In the controlling over water irruption flooding of main shaft in Dougguashan copper mine, the author makes an introduction to an application of gravity high pressure grouting system in the grouting on the working face of shaft floor.

The practice shows that the mine's control plan of the water irruption is feasible and effective.

John the Almsgiver (609 or 619) had taken this letter from Arsas with his own hand, and was only prevented by the irruption of the Saracens (619) from using it to obtain the deposition of Sergius.