
An hour later, my midwife tried unsuccessfully to coax me out of the tub.

An hour later, my midwife tried unsuccessfully to coax me out of the tub. Shortly after that, I felt the urge to push.

Earlier this month, police uncovered a child trafficking gang in Lebanon after a mayor, his wife, a midwife and a doctor at hospital in the Bekaa valley were arrested for selling newly-born children.

The midwife cut and tied off the baby's umbilical cord.

Miss Aibagawa's father dies, leaving huge debts, and the midwife is sold into slavery at a mysterious shrine.

When I told my midwife I wasn't sure I wanted an epidural, she suggested I practice deep breathing and panting 4 5 minutes a day for a month -- knowing that would kill any enthusiasm for natu ral childirth.

This means that millions of births are not assisted by a midwife, a doctor or a trained nurse.

If she has any objections, this will either be noted on her form by the midwife or doctor, or she will be asked to sign an official disclaimer confirming her refusal.

A trained midwife could have given her a deworming pill and iron supplements early in the pregnancy, addressing that anemia and strengthening her.


“What is that?” asked the midwife, arching her eyebrow.

I had to pay rush shipping for my birth kit — all the sterilized gauze pads, alcohol swabs, gloves and goop the midwife needs at the birth.