
Let's replay the scenario just described to illustrate a wait reduction approach.

Sportsmen use the action replay to analyse their actions and look for performance improvements.

For example, universities can videotape lectures and make them available for replay to students in remote locations.

They will also be able to replay all their campaign's activity to show the verified displays and clicks.

LIKE the AGING HAS-BEEN WHO ruefully looks back on his glory days in high school, many investors frequently replay previous bull markets in their minds.

This is not only the first time review of the 61 years 'development of China's caricature art, but also the wonderful replay and an instantaneous fixation for China's caricature art and artists.

Register, or view the replay.

There are also auditing improvements that allow for the replay of past database activities.

The report also suggests that every shot in professional tennis should perhaps be reviewed by instant replay.

The system is not designed to perfectly replay past events, the researchers claimed. It is designed to flexibly construct future scenarios in our minds.

Having been a reporter in Beirut in 1983 when, on a similarly beautiful morning, terrorists bombed the U.S. Marine Barracks, I suspected instantly that it was a replay, only far worse.

'replay' is the hypothesis that the brain 'replays' the actions of the day while we sleep.

In the 2011 replay of this old movie, the action has reached the early stages of the budget showdown.

Restarting may be needed after a planned shutdown, after an unplanned machine failure, or in order to replay a model event of scientific interest with a different time step granularity.

You can later replay the script to re-create user interactions for a particular scenario.

A replay of Tevez's goal was shown on the stadium video screens in Soccer City, prompting outraged Mexican players to confront the referee.

He thought the cheering was just a prank, and didn't believe he'd made the shot until he saw the replay.


They must have a definite replay, yes or no.

This is what allows us to replay and reproduce any application issue on a different machine, regardless as to whether that machine is virtual or physical.

The system doesn′t need any password list. Using only one password,a registered user can log in the different services and get session keys. This scheme can withstand replay attack and impersonation attack.