
an unlistenable operatic solo; an unlistenable diatribe.

He launched a diatribe against the younger generation.

George III clapped John Wilkes in the Tower for his diatribe not for his documents.

This turns his book—billed as “part memoir, part political polemic”—into a jumpy diatribe against everyone who has contributed to Israel's self-deception.

The Kuomintang forces have continued their assaults on the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies in central and northern China. In addition, Mr. Chiang Kai-shek has published his China's Destiny, which is a diatribe against communism and against the people.

The diatribe quickly gained wide circulation in Chinese financial circles.

At times it is little more than a self-serving diatribe.

Broad-shouldered, handsome and passionate, Nasser stunned even this gathering of enthusiastic supporters with the vehemence of his diatribe against British imperialism.


He launched into a long diatribe.

Likewise, if someone seems to be lecturing you, try to turn the diatribe into a dialogue.

a diatribe against the police state

"Operation Shylock" (my favourite of his works, for whatever that's worth) is part mystery and part diatribe.

He launched a bitter diatribe against the younger generation.

I'm not talking about dressing up or staying in fashion (although I highly suggest it), and this is not a diatribe on how casual Fridays and T-shirts represent the decline of Western civilization.

Sally, that was an unwarranted diatribe against her!