
And his near sightedness would mean glasses and close monitoring by an ophthalmologist for the rest of his life.

Understanding the biological glitches behind short-sightedness could help researchers develop eye drops or tablets that could be given to children to stop their vision from failing as they get older。

As someone who has written somewhat critically of the short-sightedness of policymakers in the late 1930s, I feel new humility.


Doctors already deploy more traditional lasers to remove tattoos, correct short-sightedness, cut tissue or whiten teeth.

There is no true goodness or fine love without the greatest possible degree of clear-sightedness.” 没有真知灼见就不会有真正的善和高尚的爱。

Uncorrected cases of near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism are the leading cause of vision problems.