stuck up造句

Dad always stuck up for you, you should do the same for him.

'She never really crawled, but would scoot around with her head on the floor, bottom stuck up in the air,' says her mother Emma.

We've had potatoes stuck up our exhausts, wing mirrors ripped off of our cars, and threats of physical violence, in person, over the phone, via email and through our letterboxes.

A tail fin with the red and white national colors of Poland stuck up from the debris.

Dr Kamat and his team covered the surface of an experimental cell made of cadmium sulphide, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide with nanotubes, so that the tubes stuck up from the surface like hairs.

Has he gone to town to buy a new hat? Oh, no he's stuck up a tree!

stuck up造句

Supporters of the government stuck up pictures of the Prime Minister in their front windows.

If the truth be told, in poor cervino's case it was little more than shyness, but the French Woman may, in fact, have been quite stuck up.

Three masked bandits stuck up a bank yesterday.